Giving Back

Clean Water
I wanted to give back, and I have this web design as a source of income.
I decided that for every website that I produce, I am going to donate $50 to a cause, but which one?
If you don't know yet, I'm a dancer, which means that I drink A LOT of water.
I decided that I wanted to help provide clean water.
Water Mission is a Christian engineering nonprofit that builds safe water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions in developing countries and disaster areas.
Every time I create a website, $50 goes to helping people get clean water.
Thank you for helping me make positive change in others lives.
Water Mission has served more than
7,000,000 people in 57 countries
with lasting safe water solutions.
With your help, I've been able to donate $1,000 to help with clean water solutions.
Thank you.

"We provide solutions for those who live in communities around the world that lack safe water and sanitation and those who are suffering as a result of a disaster or emergency situation."
- Water Mission
No one has ever become poor by giving.